ColumnCapitalsOmritIsraelSummer2017 – Version 2



Over the past month, the ASOR staff has been assembling online resources to aid our members and friends who have been asked to adapt to online teaching. We encourage you to share online resources, websites, teaching aids, guidelines, or advice that you feel could be useful to ASOR members or the public. Please email Marta Ostovich ( with any resource links you would like to share. We also welcome your suggestions and offers to volunteer in helping us set up these resources (webinars, tutorials, etc.). The following page is a work in progress and we are extremely grateful to all of you who have already contributed!

Archaeology in the Community-ASOR Ancient Nubia Curriculum


Over the last couple of years, ASOR has partnered with Archaeology in the Community (AITC), a local D.C.-based organization specializing in archaeological education, to produce a series of educational videos and lesson plans on Ancient Nubia featuring black scholars who work in this area. The videos are designed for 6th grade teachers to use in fulfillment of Social Studies, Civics, and Geography requirements.

The videos feature interviews with Dr. Solange Ashby (Egyptology-Nubiology), Debora Heard (Archaeology), Jenail Marshall (Bioarchaeology), and Dr. Shayla Monroe (Zooarchaeology). They were produced by Sydney A. Pickens, Ali Bavugamenshi, and Dr. Alexandra Jones. Music was provided by 2 Nice Guys Music Production (Teddy Burgh and Teddy Thompson).


ASOR’s Online Library is an exclusive resource for scholars, students, and enthusiasts who want a master portal into the world of the ancient Near East and wider Mediterranean. The Online Library brings together presentations, posters, and virtual museum tours from the 2020-24 Annual Meetings, and the entire archive of Friends of ASOR’s monthly webinar series.

The Online Library provides access to:

  • 500+ sessions and workshops
  • 2300+ paper and poster presentations
  • Virtual poster gallery
  • Virtual exhibit hall
  • 70+ FOA webinars

Annual Meeting attendees and registrants have access to the platform through June 30, 2025. If you did not attend the 2024 Annual Meeting and do not plan to attend the 2025 Annual Meeting, you can still purchase access to the Online Library in the ASOR Store.


The ASOR Photo Collection is designed as a resource for the ASOR community to share images of the Middle East, North Africa, and the wider Mediterranean world. The photos in this Collection have been submitted by ASOR members and celebrate the rich heritage of the regions in which the ASOR community works. ASOR is providing open access to these images for use in lectures and presentations.

Country | Period | Category

Stay tuned for more to come!

Much of the content for these online resources came from H.Dixon, “What’s Already Out There? Online Resources for Teaching Ancient Near Eastern Studies and Cognate Fields,” Creative Pedagogies for Teaching the Ancient Near East and Egypt session (M. Ameri and H. Dixon, chairs), 2019 ASOR Annual Meeting, San Diego.”