The Levantine Ceramics Project (LCP) is an open, interactive website focused on ceramics produced in the Levant from the Neolithic era (c. 5500 B.C.E.) through the Ottoman period (c. 1920 C.E.). Here you can submit and find information—whether long published or newly discovered—about ceramic wares, shapes, specific vessels, scientific analyses, kiln sites, and chronology. The LCP makes it simple to access, share, use, and refine data, to link scholars and to foster collaborative research.

English | Hebrew | Turkish

How to register on the LCP

Adding a contributor to the LCP

Start Here! Submission tips

Submitting a ware/ware family

Submitting a petro-fabric

Submitting a vessel

Adding vessel illustrations

Submitting a kiln/workshop

Submitting a site

How to use comparisons

What is the LCP?

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