The 2018 Plenary Address was given by Hélène Sader, Professor of Archaeology, American University of Beirut.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018
7:00 – 8:15pm | The Denver Marriott Tech Center

Watch ASOR’s 2018 plenary address given by Hélène Sader



“Between Looters, Private Collectors, and Warlords: Does Archaeology Stand a Chance?”

Endangered archaeology is not a modern phenomenon: archaeological sites and monuments have suffered from looting and destruction since earliest antiquity. Looking back at the past we witness recurrent destructions and burning of cities, looting of treasures, violations of tombs…However, the danger seems more acute and the destructions more shocking today. Endangered archaeology has become a major concern of both states and individuals because of the awareness people have developed of the importance of the past and the need to preserve it. The role of the media in informing and raising public awareness cannot be overstated. In spite of this, archaeology continues to be endangered and the causes of the threats have not changed. As an observer who witnessed and accompanied all the vicissitudes of Lebanese archaeology before, during, and after the civil strife, Hélène Sader will address the endemic causes of this phenomenon from the Lebanese perspective. She will discuss what was, what was not, and what should have been done to remedy the situation and preserve archaeological heritage. There is maybe still a chance to save archaeology.