MRAM Workshops Narrative Report
Executed by: Petra National Trust
MRAM- Madaba
25 February—4 May 2023
PNT advocates and executes sustainable management approaches for heritage sites, multifaceted projects that enhance heritage sites preservation, and implements a pioneering children education program based on cultural heritage values. PNT aims to fulfil the urgent need to protect, preserve, and conserve cultural heritage sites while promoting sustainable community benefits, including job creation and specialized capacity building programs.
The multifaceted approach of PNT and its team included involvement in projects related to archaeological conservation, ecotourism development, socio-economic development, and education. Through its Education Outreach & Awareness Programs, PNT aims to build a cadre of tomorrow’s community leaders who can work towards and advocate for effective and sustainable cultural heritage management and preservation.
The Education and Engagement Program (EEP) provides a wide range of opportunities and experiences that introduce children to the rich history of different civilizations that inhabited Jordan. This approach contributes to instilling a sense of pride in their identity and heritage as the heirs of past cultures and civilizations. The EEP introduces the culture (peoples, traditions & practices) and history of Petra, specifically and Jordan. It also introduces ecology, the importance of protecting biodiversity, and tackling threats facing cultural heritage. The program is engaging and pleasurable, and employs a student-centered and hands-on learning approach for children. It guides them to realize how to contribute to and value cultural heritage preservation.
The vision for the new museum is aligned with the principles outlined by the International Councils for Museums (ICOM) that museums must play a role in the development of contemporary society and with ICOM’s definition of the museum:
“The museum is a non-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment.”
To that end, the whole project in terms of community archaeology; that is, as a collaborative endeavor between MRAMP (the Madaba Regional Archaeological Museum Project) and the community, with the ultimate goal of promoting local stewardship of cultural heritage, as well as providing economic benefits.
PNT Successfully implemented four half day workshops, targeting 4 different age groups (7-9), (10-12) (13-15 and (16-18) with 15 participants in each group, with a total number of 53 female and male children from the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate Schools Girls (Fig. 8).
The workshops also focused on instilling positive characteristics and embed specified skillsets within the students, with a focus on: